From the President: Class Updates and Spring COCP Report

Posted: 5/29/2018
Email sent via Classmail 5/4/18

Greetings Class of 96!

I recently attending the bi-annual Council of Class Presidents (COCP) at the Academy.  I wanted to pass along some of the things we talked about and keep you all informed on what is going on with our alma mater.

Official minutes from the previous council (Fall 2017): Fall 2017 COCP

Unofficial minutes from current council: Spring 2018 COCP Minutes from Nagel

Briefing from the Alumni Association and Foundation: Spring 2018 Foundation

Briefing from the Academic Dean: Spring 2018 Dean

Class Updates:

  • In sad news, I assume that most of you heard about the recent passing of our friend and classmate Teresa Elders on 15 April. Please keep her family in your thoughts and prayers. Please send any donations to NineGirlsAsk.
  • Let me know if you want your football parking pass at the 1996 tailgate spot.
  • A sincere appreciation for those COMPANY REPS that have been working with Shane “Bruce” Mcdonald to update your company’s databases. There are still pockets of classmates out there that don’t have current e-mail addresses in there.
  • Our 30 Year REUNION PLANNING COMMITTEE has been plugging away at initial planning activities. With the football schedule getting published in Feb, the key is to have as much planned as possible so that you can execute a plan quickly. They are taking into account your responses from the 20-year survey and other classes lessons learned. Please thank Thomas Leahy for leading the charge!
  • Lastly, an update on our 30-Year reunion class gift. Brian Reardon has been working with USNA to get our MOU written and signed. Unfortunately, it probably won’t be done by the May All-Academy Challenge so anything we donate that week will not count towards our fundraising goal. Brian did great work trying to balance USNA strategic objectives, 96 Class desires, and realistic plans to come up with our fundraising goal.

Have a great weekend!

Nagel Sullivan



25th Reunion


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