1996 Class Project: Building Our Legacy


It is that time of the year again. The 2022 Great Class Challenge will be held 16 -20 May, 2022. We have turned the corner on our 10 year fundraising plan as we approach the initial approach point for a 5 year approach to our 30th reunion.

The Great Class Challenge is a chance for us to show a high level of participation in our giving. If you do choose to give, your class officers request that you select “The Class of 1996” class project as your beneficiary. Generally we are near the top of the ’90s decade in participation, which is our primary goal. More money is always better, but we want our Class Project to “Be from the Class”. Heck, now is a perfect time to sell stock and bank that capital loss for next years taxes!

I will update everyone later in the year, but we are approaching the active phase of fundraising later this summer and we ask that you answer the phone when called by the foundation. We continue to thank those classmates that have chosen to give a recurring pledge of $30 or more a month.

Thanks to all! Beat Army!


ps – Please reach out with any questions, concerns, or complaints. I’d be happy to help you figure things out or put you in touch with the right person.

General notes pertaining to the class project effort:

Thanks to all for what you have done so far! Spread the word! A significant percentage of our class has yet to give. Please consider a recurring pledge and work with your HR departments at work to set up corporate matching! New one time donations or recurring pledges can be made at Give Campus. Don’t forget to select “Class of 1996 30th Reunion Project” on the dropdown menu.

   -If your employer will match gifts, you can arrange for their funds to also go to the Class Project. More information can be found at the Foundation website.

   -Our default allocation for our class gift funds is:

        50% – Class of 1996 Bench Conservation support (69960200/Y18CG1996)  (photos below)

        27% – Class of 1996 Project Based Learning support (66960100/ Y18CG1996)

        8% –   Class of 1996 Athletic Excellence support (68960200/ Y18CG1996)

        15% – Naval Academy Annual Fund (69000000/ Y18CG1996)    

Should you like your allocation to be different, please contact the Foundation at (410) 295-4117 after you make your donation. They can go into the system and customize your gift however you like it. All of your money can go to any one the 4 priorities we chose.

Click here to give now.


25th Reunion


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