News, Events & More

Kellog’s Virtual Career Fair in Partnership with Military Mojo (Register by 15 Sep)

Posted: 8/22/2020

If you know anyone looking for a career opportunity, please pass this along! I’m wondering if any of these jobs will get me free (or deeply discounted) cereal, Pop Tarts, Eggos, and Cheezits for life. Hmmm…

Kellogg’s is recruiting for careers in Sales, Supply Chain, Information Technology, Finance and more! Speak directly with Hiring Managers and Recruiters seeking veterans for professional roles. Participate in a virtual Q&A session with our KVets team who have navigated careers at Kellogg’s! Female attendees may participate in our Women Veterans Roundtable hosted by Morgan Dennis, USA (Information Technology Manager.) View List of gr-r-reat opportunities at Kellogg.

Senior Manager, Continuous Improvement (Cary, North Carolina)
Manufacturing Reliability Site Lead (Kansas City)
Global Real Estate Portfolio Manager (Battle Creek, MI)
Data Architect – Remote Virtual Location

Kellogg’s looks forward to meeting you virtually on September 25th! Need more info? Please email

(More) Football Season Updates: No Fans or Tailgating at First Home Game

By now you’ve probably seen/read/heard about the announcement by the AD, but in case you have not, here’s the roll up. For the first home game (vs. BYU, Monday 07 Sep @ 8pm EDT), no fans will be admitted to the stadium areas. These areas include: (1) outdoor general seating; (2) Akerson Tower and hospitality areas; and (3) tailgating surrounding the stadium. As a reminder, this game is to be broadcast in prime time on ESPN.

According to the AD’s latest message, fan attendance is being considered – especially those season ticket holders. More to follow as these decisions come to light.

BEAT EVERYONE: All Academy Challenge Now Live (Online) 16-20 August

Posted: 8/16/2020

The 2020 All Academy Challenge kicks off on Sunday, 16 Aug and continues for 5 days. Navy is facing off against Army, Air Force, Coast Guard, and Merchant Marines – and the service academy with the highest percentage of alumni making a gift in support of their alma mater takes home bragging rights. Naval Academy alumni have consistently taken the top spot in terms of dollars raised – but this contest is all about participation and not total dollars raised.

The Naval Academy Foundation has made it possible for classes on active class legacy gift projects to make All Academy Challenge gifts directly in support of those projects. This year our class is choosing to support the Project Based Learning (PBL) component of our class project during the 5 day challenge. To support this fund, choose “Class of 1996 Project” in the Gift Designation block. If you don’t want to support that fund, you can always direct your gift to the general Naval Academy Fund and it will still count in our class totals.

If you’ve already made a gift in support of the Academy this year, thank you, and please consider making another small gift to help us ensure our victory – every gift counts towards our participation!

In the News: Podcast with Patty (DeSpain) Stoll on Going from Marine Corps Boots to Spacesuits

Posted: 8/13/2020

Patty, currently Vice President of Space Systems at ILC Dover, recently shared her USNA experience and her military and civilian careers in a podcast featured on the Service Academy Sorority website (link here). From Patty: “It was a pleasure sharing my story with the Service Academy Sorority and I’m honored to be the very first Marine featured on the podcast. If you know a young lady considering attending a service academy, wanting to serve in the military, or dreaming of a career in STEAM, I hope my story of determination and perseverance inspires them to never stop chasing their dreams!” Rock on, sister! I hope your story fills future generations with strength and purpose.

Show notes: This episode features Patty Stoll, a 1996 graduate from the U.S. Naval Academy. In this episode, you’ll hear about Patty’s unwavering commitment to becoming a Marine, including how she spent a year at junior college and a year at the Naval Academy Prep School prior to being accepted into the Academy; and how she used her focus and determination to not only make it through the Academy, but to also build a vibrant career that ultimately has her working in aerospace engineering and building spacesuits for NASA. Patty’s story illuminates the power of having clarity of your goals and the discipline to overcome any hurdles that may pop up along the journey towards achieving them. Enjoy the show!

Stand By for All-Academy Challenge Online Kickoff!

Posted: 8/12/2020


The online All-Academy Challenge begins Sunday, 16 Aug and runs through Thursday, 20 Aug. Do your part to help make Navy the G.O.A.T. by giving back and supporting the mission of our institution.

If you received a paper donation envelope in the mail, return it prior to 20 Aug. To give online, click here.

Go Navy! Beat Army! (and Air Force, Coast Guard and Merchant Marine!) 


In the News: Kim Mitchell Featured in “Out Of Many, One” by President George W Bush

Our own Kim Mitchell will be one of forty-three people featured in the forthcoming book “Out Of Many, One” by President George W Bush. The book, which will be released 02 Mar 2021, features oil paintings he created of 43 immigrants whom he has come to know personally, along with their stories. Kim’s portrait will also be featured on the cover of the deluxe edition of the book. The paintings themselves will be on display in Texas at the George W. Bush Presidential Center, along with his previous exhibit Portraits of Courage and a number of other works, in a new exhibition on the value of American immigration. Congratulations, Kim – what an honor!

Press releases:  CNN     BBC     Upworthy


Football: Scheduling Uncertainties Follow Mountain West Cancellation

Posted: 8/11/2020

A full cancellation of Fall sports, including football, was announced by the Mountain West Conference last night. Speculation persists, however, that Air Force could still be allowed to play both Army and Navy, which would keep the Commander-In-Chief’s trophy in play for 2020. Read the full press release here.

Football Schedule Updates: Notre Dame Pushed to 2021

Posted: 8/10/2020

Changes to the football schedule were announced on 6 Aug – most notably, there will be no battle with Notre Dame until 2021. Initially moved from 29 Aug in Dublin to Labor Day Weekend in Annapolis due to COVID-19 related travel restrictions, the game has been again impacted by a recent conference realignment. Notre Dame, which has given up its independent status and joined the Atlantic Coast Conference (ACC), now faces restrictions in playing non-conference opponents. The series will resume in 2021.

Added to the Navy schedule is a new home game against BYU, which will be played at 8 pm on Labor Day (Monday, 7 Sep) and broadcast live on ESPN in primetime. This game displaces the 12 Sep contest against Lafayette, which has been removed from the schedule. There are currently still five home games. No word yet on attendance or tailgating allowances, either for the nighttime home opener or for the entire season. Read the press release here.

2020 All-Academy Challenge

Posted: 7/31/2020

Dear ’96 Classmates:

I hope this message finds you and your loved ones happy, HEALTHY and coping during these unprecedented times.

The 2019 All Academy Challenge was a huge success bringing in over one million dollars for the Naval Academy from nearly 4,000 donors. Thank you for your past support!

The 2020 All Academy Challenge kicks off on Sunday, 16 Aug and continues for 5 days. Navy is facing off against Army, Air Force, Coast Guard and Merchant Marine—with the service academy with the highest percentage of alumni making a gift in support of their alma mater taking home bragging rights. Naval Academy alumni have consistently taken the top spot in terms of dollars raised—but this contest is all about participation and not total dollars raised.

In 2020, with your help, we plan on taking the participation prize! You should have received, or will receive very soon, a sticker from the Naval Academy Foundation with more information, but we really want our class to come together to show our support especially in these trying times. Visit starting 16 August and make your gift—then use your personal networks to ask your classmates and other alumni to do the same. This year’s All Academy Challenge site features a Class Participation Leaderboard as well as buttons to make social media sharing—and getting your friends and classmates involved—even easier.

Also, the Naval Academy Foundation has made it possible for classes on active class legacy gift projects to make All Academy Challenge gifts directly in support of those projects. This year our class is choosing to support the Project Based Learning (PBL) component of our class project during the 5 day challenge. If you don’t want to support that fund, you can always direct your gift to the Naval Academy Fund and that will still count in our class totals. You can direct any questions to Clay Evans, class giving coordinator at the Naval Academy Foundation, at or 410-295-4117.

If you’ve already made a gift in support of the Academy this year, thank you, and please consider making another small gift to help us ensure our victory – every gift counts towards our participation!



p.s. If filling out the physical mailer sent by the Foundation, just hand write “Class of 1996 Project” in the Gift Designation block. Your donation will be allocated to our Project Based Learing goal.

DC Area Alumni: GWC Board Election (VOTE EXTENDED)

Posted: 6/12/2020

***UPDATE: Due to a combination of factors (low voter turnout and conflicting gouge on the actual election closing date/time), you can still vote! Election will close 2359 on 23 June. Please vote if you are a member, and encourage others to! GWC had an 18% turnout as of the weekend tally.

If you are a member of the USNA Alumni Association Greater Washington Chapter (GWC), please vote in the ongoing election for the next board of directors. Our own Jill (Quinton) Rough is on the ballot for Board Member At Large and would love our support!

You must be a current USNAGWC member to vote, but you can quickly join or make sure you are current here. Voting is live as of 12 June and will continue through 2359 on 15 June now 23 June. Ballots are sent via whatever email address you provide upon joining.

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