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Supe and AD to Speak at USNA-GWC Virtual Annual Mtg 6/11

Posted: 6/10/2020

USNA GWC Virtual Annual Meeting & Election Kickoff: 11 June 2020 1900-2000

The annual meeting hosted by the Greater Washington Chapter (GWC) of USNA Alumni is being held online this year, and will feature addresses by both the Superintendent (VADM Sean Buck ’83) and the Naval Academy Athletic Director (Mr. Chet Gladchuck). VADM Buck will speak to the group about what is being done to reinforce Diversity and Inclusion at USNA, and Mr. Gladchuck will talk about the near term plans for Navy Athletics.

You do not have to be a member of the GWC to attend the event, which will be streamed live via Microsoft Teams. Registration is free, but required. If you’re interested in hearing what the Sup and the AD have to say, please join! I am not aware that there will be any recording posted later.

The GWC President requests that you please begin logging in 15 minutes prior to the event at 1845 on June 11 EDT so that they start promptly at 1900. “Time, Tide, and Formation wait for no one!”

Entire letter sent via email to USNA-GWC listserve: USNA Greater Washington Chapter Virtual Annual Meeting & Election Kickoff.

Virtual Networking All Call Tomorrow for Veteran Entrepreneurs

Virtual Networking All Call, Thursday (6/11), sponsored by Re4ormed LLC:

Veteran and mililitary-spouse entrepreneurs and small-business owners, if you’d like to pitch your business and find help addressing your challenges, or you just want to provide mutual support to our tribe, please join this month’s Annapolis All Call sponsored by Re4ormed (CEO and founder – Mark Mhley). The event will be held virtually this Thursday (6/11/2020) at 5pm EDT. Whether you’re in the DC/Baltimore/Annapolis area or beyond, please join the Annapolis All Call for some powerful virtual-networking and mutual-support.

Virtual meeting Zoom link here.

And don’t forget this transition tip – LinkedIn offers a 1 year free Premium subscription for veterans and their family caregivers, which includes a number of powerful tools to help you take your next step. LinkedIn Veteran Subscription

Navy-Notre Dame Football Game to be Played in Annapolis

Posted: 6/3/2020

The Naval Academy Athletic Association announced yesterday that the Navy-Notre Dame game – schedule to be played in Dublin, Ireland – would be moved to Annapolis due to travel restrictions and other uncertainties related to COVID-19. This makes the game a rather historic event, as it has never been played in Annapolis before. Event details are still forthcoming, but multiple media sources report that the game will most likely be played over Labor Day weekend. See the Capital Gazette article, Navy Sports press release, or ESPN online for the stories. Stay tuned for confirmed dates and information regarding tailgating! GO NAVY!

From the Vault: Historical Commissionings Disrupted

Posted: 5/24/2020

I ran across a cool podcast last weekend that was put together by the Naval Academy Museum staff and posted with a brief narrative from USNA:

“This year’s Commissioning Week is certainly different than most years but it’s not the only unusual Commissioning Week – did you know that the Naval Academy class of 1907 graduated three times? And the USNA Class of 1865-B didn’t graduate until after they came back from their summer cruise in September of 1865. Listen to the newest Preble Hall podcast  to learn more about the history and traditions of Commissioning Week from Mr. James Cheevers, the senior curator/historian emeritus of the Naval Academy Museum from 1967 – 2017.”

Full content here, including summary and episode notes. The Apple Podcast version is here. There is also a link to other episodes if you are suffering from quarantine boredom and want to learn some more Academy history – or if you are running out of home schooling material!

The New 96 Hour: Live with Heidi Fearon Barker this Friday

Posted: 5/20/2020

From Jenn Campbell – on Friday (5/23), Heidi Fearon Barker will be on the New ’96 Hour, and you seriously don’t want to miss it! When she and I connected a few months ago, our conversation left me buzzing with inspiration and excitement. She has made bold transitions herself, and now she specializes in supporting people through their own transitions by applying a powerful blend of practices, including acupuncture, meditation, yoga, visualization, and more. Her wisdom is applicable to any kind of transition–whether out of uniform, out of injury, out of a relationship–so, no matter the chapter of life you’re in, you’ll want to tune in.

Join us on *Friday at 1pm ET* by registering here (and remember you need to register ahead of time).

Sure, you can stream the recording when it’s over, but for Q&A, you’ve got to be *LIVE.* I know you’ve got questions, so we look forward to seeing you then!

Perspective: A Different Commissioning Experience

Posted: 5/18/2020

In this Capital Gazette article, published 10 May 2020 (two days before the abbreviated commissioning events began), a number of local Firsties share their thoughts about how the last semester of their USNA journey has been impacted by COVID-19. Their responses and perspectives both surprised and impressed me, and I wanted to share it with all of you in case you hadn’t seen the article via other channels.

Photos from the first (12 May), second (14 May), and third (16 May) of five ceremonies have been released by USNA in small albums if you’re interested in seeing what the ceremonies were like. According to the Academy, many more photos will be released in organized albums after 22 May, which is the official date of commissioning for all of the graduates.

Podcast Feature: Kim Mitchell Shares Her Veteran Experience

Posted: 5/16/2020

Kim Mitchell was recently interviewed on a podcast hosted by Joe Wallis, LtCol USMCR (Ret), creator of the podcast series My Veteran Experience. Many of you are familiar with Kim’s story, but as Joe writes: “An abandoned orphan in Vietnam, Kim was adopted by an Airman and grew up on a farm in Wisconsin. She pursued a military career through the U.S. Naval Academy. Kim’s Navy career went from a department head SWO officer to the staff of Admiral Mullen in the office of the Joint Chiefs. She now supports veterans in many ways. Her inspirational story is one of a kind.”

Check out Kim’s interview on YouTube, the latest in a series featuring veterans and military family members discussing their experiences and how military life has impacted their careers. You can see the rest of Joe’s podcasts, as well as his blog, here.

Global-X Challenge White Paper Deadline Coming Up

Global-X Challenge key date reminder: the deadline for ONR Global-X Challenge white paper submissions is fast approaching! White papers must be submitted by 11:59 p.m. EDT on May 25, 2020. Read the official guidelines before submitting, and check out ONR Global on the web for more details.

Global-X is a nine-month international science challenge that will seek revolutionary research through active worldwide cooperation to solve present and future U.S. Navy and Marine Corps needs. If you missed the kickoff webinar, which was hosted by our own Capt. Matt Farr on 23 April, the video is available on YouTube. Interested participants can also register on the Global-X Slack channel to begin connecting with fellow researchers. Feel free to share!

In the News: Capt. Tim Kinsella on ‘You’ll never walk alone’

Posted: 5/13/2020

Check out Lucky’s latest publication (09 May 2020) in the Pensacola News Journal, an op-ed about life, soccer/football, hope, and the powerful idea that together we are stronger.

Catch Tim’s earlier piece (10 April 2020), which I highlighted in a post last month with a roundup of ’96 publications here.

It’s Official: June DC SACC Transitioned to Online Event

Posted: 5/4/2020

The Alumni Association announced today that DC SACC (Washington DC, June 2020) has gone virtual and will be held online from 10-12 June 2020 in lieu of the in-person gathering slated for Crystal City. I suspected this would happen ever since I read the recent Jacksonville event had been held online (Jacksonville, 16-17 April). The SACC team is still working on a number of details about the event, but here is what has been released so far:

  • Two days of webinars
  • Connect virtually with recruiters from industry-leading employers
  • Connect with representatives from advanced education institutions
  • Learn more about Blue and Gold Officer opportunities

Registration is open, both for candidates and companies looking to recruit. The list of companies participating has not been posted yet. You can visit the website to see what has been posted so far (they are also active on FB and Instagram). Stand by for further details when they are finalized. In the meantime, you can probably guess at least some of the details by looking at the notes for the Jacksonville conference.

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