25th Reunion


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Email sent via Classmail 10/24/17

Greetings classmates,

We had a successful Annual Meeting on Saturday at the tailgate. For those of you on Facebook, we pushed the video out on fb LIVE and last I looked, I think about 30 people viewed it. However, if you’d like to just read the minutes, I am emailing them out (see attached). A few highlights:

1) In response to many people’s request, Cara Albright has done a fair amount of work getting an official 96 WEBSITE up. This will be a good repository for those not on Facebook, AND if you are, it will be easier to find official information. Take a look and send suggestions to Cara. She has been pressing the Academy on adding features: http://1996.usnaclasses.net.

2) Since there has been some confusion, I wanted to clarify what constitutes being a “classmate”. According to the Alumni Association, it is anyone that raised their hand on July 2, 1992. It doesn’t matter if you graduated or not.

3) Thomas Leahy has already volunteered to run our 25th reunion.

4) We are still looking for Company Reps from 3, 7, 10, 12, 13, 26, 28, 29, 32, and 34.  Please contact Shane “Bruce” McDonald at tonteauex@yahoo.com if you are willing to spend a little time tracking down current contact information on a few company mates. This will help us straighten up the class registry.

5) Lastly, we plan on constructing a new bar for the tailgate and we would like to use YOUR COMMAND COINS in the top of it (your ship, squadron, or whatever coin means something to you). Drop me an e-mail if you need my address. You can also send a zapper for the trailer.

Go Navy, Beat Army!

Nagel Sullivan



Join the Class of ’96 under our tent as Navy rebounds from a tough loss at Memphis and challenges the undefeated UCF Knights in mid-season conference action. We’re still atop the American West standings, and the weather promises to be beautiful – so we hope to see lots of you out at the game! Our tailgate is located in Spot 12, which is the second site in from Gate 2 along Farragut Road. Look for the class crest on our tent, our flags flying high and the best party going on! If you can bring food or drinks to share, that’s great. If not, you can also chip into the kitty that helps cover the costs of tailgating. And if you don’t have tickets, we’ll be watching the game live via satellite under the tent. We’ll be hanging around for the post-game after party, too.

Kickoff is at 1530 on Saturday. We will be setting up the tent around 1000 and getting everything going early in preparation for the annual class meeting, which will be held at noon at the tent. March-on is scheduled for 1510 with an F/A-18 flyover at 1520. It is also Homecoming Weekend, so there will be lots of folks in town. Be sure to join us for some fun!