25th Reunion


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Caught in the news recently: our very own distiller, Brian Facquet! Brian was recently named one of City & State’s Agriculture Power 50. We all know how hard Brian works, and if you follow his business ventures, you’ll know he never stops reaching or improving. The journey has been a joy to follow, and we’re proud that he’s achieved this recognition. From Prohibition Distillery {now Do Good Spirits} social media stream:

“From the very beginning our goal as a distillery was to make the best quality spirits possible. And along the way we received some awards for those spirits. But today, our founder Brian won a different type of award. He was named one of City & State’s Agriculture Power 50 for his progressive position as president of the New York State Distillers Guild.

If you see Brian this week, tell him congrats. Oh, and also let him know how good that headshot looks.”

Full article and media listing – City & State, 12 September 2021

Congratulations! Brian was also featured last week as a guest on Craft Spirits Podcast, where he discusses all things distilling, as well as the impetus for the rebrand from Prohibition Distillery to Do Good Spirits.


You can also navigate to this podcast directly from within Apple Podcasts or Spotify.

Links to Brian’s bio and business story if you’d like to read more about his work.


We recently spotted a great article on Clint Tracy in a hometown newspaper, featuring his recent month of Naval Reserve training in Japan as well as what continuing to serve means to him. Another great example of ’96 making an impact both at home and abroad!

Link to article here.

Email sent via Classmail 12/24/2020


Due to the recently updated football schedule, the USAF game has moved from to Sep 11, 2021 to align with the 20-year Remembrance of the 9/11 attacks. At the moment, there is no scheduled game at USNA 3 Oct (a location and opponent are TBD).

We have considered several options and decided to move our 25-Year reunion to align with the USAF game 10-12 Sep 2021.

We all remember the heat from the 20th reunion and attempted to avoid the same risk this time. Our Friday venue will be much larger to accommodate the crowd and will investigate options to cool people down at the tailgate.

The attached Schedule of Events goes into more detail on the weekend. Standby for event registration to go live around Memorial Day. Based on feedback from last reunion, we will be doing á la carte registration fees.

Here is the link that will take you to our Westin room block.

** I will also remind everyone that given our current status, making any non-refundable deposits or bookings is done so at your own risk. While I hope we are back to normal by the fall, anything is possible.

Our reunion committee (led by Thomas Leahy) has scrambled this week and done a great job at rebooking and coordinating the switch. Thank you all very much.





Due to ongoing limitations on outdoor sporting events in Pennsylvania, this year’s Army-Navy game was moved to West Point in order to ensure that the Brigade of Midshipmen and Corps of Cadets could be in attendance. See the Oct 23rd press release for more details and remarks by the athletic director and Superintendent.

No official decision on fan attendance has been made at this time, but it is anticipated that attendance will be limited to only the Brigade and Corps. The game will be televised as scheduled. GO NAVY, NAVY, NAVY! BEAT ARMY, ARMY, ARMY!

The decision to keep Navy’s stands empty was recently reversed and the Brigade will now be in attendance on Saturday for Navy’s fourth game of the season (second home game). The Brigade will be socially distanced by company and pods of roommates in the stands. No family or guests will be in attendance, and tailgating is still prohibited.

Press releases: Capital Gazette     NavySports.com     ESPN


When: 1900 (EDT) Monday, 07 Sep 2020

Where: Virtual (hosted on Facebook Live by the USNA Alumni Association and Foundation)

Link: https://www.facebook.com/USNAAlumni/

From the USNA Alumni Association: Calling All Navy Fans…Navy Football is back! Are you ready for the season opener on Labor Day? The Midshipmen will face BYU for this historic game in Annapolis at Navy-Marine Corps Memorial Stadium. We wish we could welcome you all in person but are excited to invite you to tune into our FB live event on our page with remarks from Byron Marchant ‘78, CEO of the USNA Alumni Association and Foundation, Superintendent VADM Sean Buck ‘83, USN, and Navy Athletic Director Chet Gladchuk.
Tune in to the event on the Alumni Association and Foundations’s Facebook Monday Night at 7 p.m. EDT . #GoNavy


Just a reminder to tune in and watch Navy kick off the 2020 season with a matchup against BYU. Although no fans – or even Midshipmen – will be at Navy-Marine Corps Memorial Stadium, the game will be televised on ESPN starting at 8pm on Monday (07 Sep 2020). This game was ranked No. 1 matchup for the opening week of college football (USA TODAY), so we’re already winning. Hope all have a safe and fun Labor Day weekend, and don’t forget your Shipmate submissions – photos in game day gear wanted!

Read the Naval Academy Athletic Association Press Release here.

ESPN game summary here and commentary by ESPN’s Rece Davis here.

By now you’ve probably seen/read/heard about the announcement by the AD, but in case you have not, here’s the roll up. For the first home game (vs. BYU, Monday 07 Sep @ 8pm EDT), no fans will be admitted to the stadium areas. These areas include: (1) outdoor general seating; (2) Akerson Tower and hospitality areas; and (3) tailgating surrounding the stadium. As a reminder, this game is to be broadcast in prime time on ESPN.

According to the AD’s latest message, fan attendance is being considered – especially those season ticket holders. More to follow as these decisions come to light.

The 2020 All Academy Challenge kicks off on Sunday, 16 Aug and continues for 5 days. Navy is facing off against Army, Air Force, Coast Guard, and Merchant Marines – and the service academy with the highest percentage of alumni making a gift in support of their alma mater takes home bragging rights. Naval Academy alumni have consistently taken the top spot in terms of dollars raised – but this contest is all about participation and not total dollars raised.

The Naval Academy Foundation has made it possible for classes on active class legacy gift projects to make All Academy Challenge gifts directly in support of those projects. This year our class is choosing to support the Project Based Learning (PBL) component of our class project during the 5 day challenge. To support this fund, choose “Class of 1996 Project” in the Gift Designation block. If you don’t want to support that fund, you can always direct your gift to the general Naval Academy Fund and it will still count in our class totals.

If you’ve already made a gift in support of the Academy this year, thank you, and please consider making another small gift to help us ensure our victory – every gift counts towards our participation!