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Please share with any 7th-12th graders, parents, teachers, and counselors!

Don’t miss the Virtual Information Session for the US Naval Academy — one week from today! Speakers will discuss what life is like on the Yard, how to navigate the application & nomination process, career opportunities available upon graduation, and what parents need to know throughout this process. This session is hosted by the Greater DC area Alumni Association but it is open to ALL who are interested in the Naval Academy.

Registration is via the USNA GWC website, or see their full event flyer here.

When: 19 Sep 2020 08:30, EDT
Where: Falls Church – American Legion Post 130 – 400 North Oak St Falls Church, VA 22046

This will be a group ride to get us together and outside.  We will vary the locations to maximize exposure to area resources and get members of the GWC together.  Ride #1 will be on the W&OD trail, road bikes are preferred but not required.  We will group by bike type and ability.  

See the flyer for more details, including meeting location, ride distances, and parking information.

When: 1900 (EDT) Monday, 07 Sep 2020

Where: Virtual (hosted on Facebook Live by the USNA Alumni Association and Foundation)

Link: https://www.facebook.com/USNAAlumni/

From the USNA Alumni Association: Calling All Navy Fans…Navy Football is back! Are you ready for the season opener on Labor Day? The Midshipmen will face BYU for this historic game in Annapolis at Navy-Marine Corps Memorial Stadium. We wish we could welcome you all in person but are excited to invite you to tune into our FB live event on our page with remarks from Byron Marchant ‘78, CEO of the USNA Alumni Association and Foundation, Superintendent VADM Sean Buck ‘83, USN, and Navy Athletic Director Chet Gladchuk.
Tune in to the event on the Alumni Association and Foundations’s Facebook Monday Night at 7 p.m. EDT . #GoNavy


Event: Mentorship in 2020: A Discussion with David Smith, PhD ’87, sponsored by the USNA Alumni Greater DC Chapter

When: 27 Aug 2020 19:00, EDT
Where: Virtual (Link to be sent to registrants)


If you are interested in discussing mentorship, or signing up to be a mentor or mentee through this new chapter endeavor, don’t miss this event!

Please join us in celebrating National Women’s Equality Day with a timely discussion on the role of mentorship in 2020 – across genders, throughout organizations, and in the time of social distancing- with CAPT David Smith, USNA ’87

This event will culminate in the launch of the USNA AA GWC mentorship program where alumni will have the opportunity to be both mentors and mentees. 

David Smith, PhD, is Associate Professor of Sociology in the National Security Affairs Department at the United States Naval War College. A former Navy pilot, Dr. Smith led diverse organizations of women and men culminating in command of a squadron in combat and flew more than 3,000 hours over 30 years including combat missions in Iraq and Afghanistan. As a sociologist trained in military sociology and social psychology, he focuses his research in gender, work, and family issues including bias in performance evaluations, retention of women, dual career families, military families, and women in the military. Dr. Smith is the author of numerous journal articles and 2 books in the area of gender in the workplace and inclusive mentoring relationships. These books include Good Guys: How Men Can Be Better Allies for Women in the Workplace (October 2020 with Brad Johnson) and Athena Rising: How and Why Men Should Mentor Women (September 2016 with Brad Johnson)

Some of Dr. Smith’s recent works on mentorship can be found below:

Social Distancing Doesn’t Have to Disrupt Mentorship

What Men Can Do to Be Better Mentors and Sponsors to Women


***UPDATE: Due to a combination of factors (low voter turnout and conflicting gouge on the actual election closing date/time), you can still vote! Election will close 2359 on 23 June. Please vote if you are a member, and encourage others to! GWC had an 18% turnout as of the weekend tally.

If you are a member of the USNA Alumni Association Greater Washington Chapter (GWC), please vote in the ongoing election for the next board of directors. Our own Jill (Quinton) Rough is on the ballot for Board Member At Large and would love our support!

You must be a current USNAGWC member to vote, but you can quickly join or make sure you are current here. Voting is live as of 12 June and will continue through 2359 on 15 June now 23 June. Ballots are sent via whatever email address you provide upon joining.

The DC chapter of the USNA Alumni Association is hosting a Fall Open House on 17 October for students from Virginia, Maryland, and the District interested in attending the Naval Academy. Candidates from 7th through 11th grade and one parent are funded by the chapter. It is a cool event every year! Please check out the registration link (below) and spread the word to friends and neighbors.


Please contact John Costello if you have questions, have trouble with the registration form, or make a game-day decision. You can also call the chapter directly at 703-960-6804 to get added to the access roster.