Attention to announcements, ’96!

Welcome to the Class of 1996 website. Our goal is to provide an organized, collaborative forum for disseminating information to the class in a timely manner. This includes keeping everyone up to date on the latest events or reunion details, remembering fallen classmates, sharing professional information like career/transition gouge, contributing to Shipmate, and donating to the class project. If you come across a section that is password protected, the password is our I-Day date in DDMMYYYY format. If you have forgotten that date, do 27 pushups and send a note to any class officer.

We want this to be a good repository for ’96 historical information. I threw some basic facts onto the About ’96 page that I could remember, mine from social media or glean from Lucky Bag. Please share what you know or remember – including photos from major milestones like Herndon, graduation, etc – so we can make that section awesome before we’ve all forgotten our alpha codes.

Please update your contact information with the Alumni Association using the link at the bottom right corner of this page. Our “good email” numbers on the domain could be better… a whole lot better. We still have classmates listed as Ensigns in our class registry. We are committed to helping the Alumni Association achieve an accurate database for our class as we initiate milestone activities such as the 25th class reunion and our class legacy gift. Bringing on a team of company representatives will significantly and positively impact this endeavor, but ultimately it comes down to everyone doing their part. Help your leadership share important information with the whole class!

Lastly, please use this page and share with other classmates who may not have found it yet. I don’t want this to be good… I want it to be amazing. Like we are. But I also want it to be operational, flexible, and current – insomuch as the hosted environment will allow. Please be a link in the chain. Contact the webmaster with any feedback, new ideas or questions, which is me – BEAT ARMY!

– Cara



25th Reunion


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