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From the President: Class Election and Reunion Update

Posted: 7/14/2021
Email sent via Classmail 7/13/2021


Several things to update everyone on


First off, I would like to announce the results of our Class Election!

President- Bill Pennington (Current VP)
VP-Ghislaine Stonaker
Secretary-Cara Albright (Current Secretary)
Treasurer-Nikki Battaglia (Current Treasurer)
I appreciate everyone taking the time to vote.  I also want to thank all 8 classmates for raising their hand to volunteer for the Executive Committee.
They will take over starting at the 25 year reunion.  I’ve enjoyed the last 5 years and I appreciate all the support I have gotten (but I also look forward to BP taking the reigns for a bit)  Congrats!
A few important points:
  1. Westin Room Block– Our room block at the Westin is full.  The committee tried to hit the sweet spot on reserved room and not incuring financial responsibility for unbooked rooms.  (There have been stories of reunions having to cover empty rooms)
  2. Online store– It will close Sun July 18th.  This will ensure all items are received by the reunion.  Based on feedback, Tony Yanero will evaluate the cost, quality, and availability of items to determine if we will stick with the same company. Go to to order your ’96 Gear!  
  3. Sponsors– If you know of any classmate, their company, or some other company that might be interested in sponsoring an event, please reach out to Thomas Leahy.  There is the networking event, tailgate, fun run, etc… They have not worked out the actual mechanics yet but are exploring how we might be able to make our event even better with some sponsors. We might do signs, or something like “This Tailgate is brought to you by COMPANY X”.
  4. Fun Run– We had a much larger level of interest in this than we expected.  The Committee is working with USNA on options.  Considerations are weekend traffic, safety, getting on base, parking, and so on.  Stand by for more information.
  5. Schedule update– Please note that a few things have moved in time and location.  They will continue to update the SOE on the registration site.
  6. Registration– It is still open.  At the moment, there is a planned price increase on 1 Aug.


We are doing fairly well on our class gift and will continue raising funds through this reunion out to our 30th reunion.  If you would like to setup a monthly donation, reach out to Brian Reardon to get details.

As you retire

Go Navy!

Nagel Sullivan

Seeking ’96 Athletic Legends Submissions

Email sent via Classmail 7/1/2021

Classmates, the USNA Athletic Department is asking me to submit our ’96 Athletic Legends (see memo for details). Looking for 5-8 submissions. I need a name and a write-up (don’t worry too much about the photo).  I’ll throw a dart at 15 July for submissions. Don’t be shy….Submit that friend / roommate of yours!!

Nagel Sullivan


Another June Reunion Update – Get the Latest Gouge!

Posted: 6/19/2021
Email sent via Classmail 6/18/2021


Time for a Reunion update from Thomas Leahy:


  • FYI, our numbers are looking pretty good (currently 276 classmates are attending) but we still need some more people to register to meet our assumptions on pricing.
    • The Reunion Committee has certain costs that are by head (e.g., food) and certain ones that are spread across registrations (e.g., security and the tailgate tent).  If we don’t get enough people, then the Committee will have to cut back on some of those fixed costs.
  • There are about 40 people that registered but didn’t actually checkout/pay.  Thomas sent you all an email so if you aren’t coming, just we can track headcount.
  • The price will increase again 1 July.
  • If you are having finance issues and that is the only thing keeping you from attending, please contact Thomas to discuss options.
  • The MD Governor is rescinding all COVID restrictions as of 1 July.  So there will be minimal impact to our activities.


  • Lots of questions about what will be provided Fri night.  The short answer is open bar and food options/carving stations.  Exact menu items will be providing as we get closer and things firm up.


  • There are still seats and standing tix available.
  • Reminder that you do not need a football ticket to get into the tailgate.
  • Our block closes at the end of June.


  • There are very few rooms left.
  • on July 10, we will release any remaining rooms back to the Westin.



  • Don’t forget to vote for your Executive Steering Committee.  Only a few weeks left.

Nagel Sullivan

Class Merchandise from Anchor Enterprises Available (through 18 July)

Posted: 6/7/2021

Anchor Enterprises has reopened the class merchandise online store for summer ordering. Get your swag here:


Orders placed by 18 July will begin shipping the week of 23 August for delivery prior to the reunion. Please contact Tony Yanero ( with any questions.

Memorial Service to be Held 11 June for Mrs. Susan Pegram

Passing along some sad news via Gina (Foltz) Payton:

It is with deep sympathy, that I share Mrs Susan Pegram, Robin Pegram’s mom, has passed away and joined her daughters. The following are the best details that I have right now for her memorial service –

St. Clements Episcopal Church
706 W 113th Ave
Tampa, FL 33612

Friday, June 11
Mass 1030
Visitation at 1000 before service

Lunch to follow at funeral home (details at service or I may be be able to get the address for this that need it)

Burial – Bushnell National Cemetery
6502 SW 102nd Ave
Bushnell, FL 33515

If you would like to donate for flowers or gifts, please message me (originally posted on FB) before Tuesday (08 June). Right now I know that my family and Cathy Nguyen will be attending. If you would like to send cards or a note to the family, message me for an address. This family has endured much over the years and remained an inspirational couple to many of us. Her presence in our class page will be missed, along with the many stories she would share of Robin. Please pray for Mr Earl Pegram as he has lost his wife of over 55 years.

Service Academies Global Summit 2021: Rebuilding Together

Posted: 6/4/2021

Registration is open for the 2021 SAGS, which will be held virtually on 15 June. SAGS is open to all graduates of all five US Service Academies, as well as spouses/partners and guests of attending graduates. This summit will not be recorded, so the only way to participate or hear the dialogue is to do so live/day of event. Join the conference virtually and hear from speakers including Superintendent VADM Sean Buck ’83, USN; Former Superintendent VADM Walter “Ted” Carter ’81, USN (Ret.); VADM John Bird ’71, USN (Ret.); MajGen Charles F. Bolden Jr. ’68, USMC (Ret.); and LtGen Lori Reynolds ’86, USMC. This summit will bring together a diverse group of leaders and experts to share and engage with the audience on the broad topic of today’s extraordinary challenges, needs and opportunities. Learn more and register here.

Jennifer Campbell Launches Project Arete Leadership – Slots Available

From Jenn: Hey classmates, I’ve been working on something for my business that I’d love your help with. After 15 years of coaching and training leaders for companies and agencies, I’ve finally launched an open-enrollment program that anyone can join. It’s called Project Arete Leadership, and in the course of 6 months, my faculty, coaches, and I will be teaching leaders how to realize the full potential of their team. It will be a truly transformative experience. I’m offering full scholarships for up to three nonprofit leaders in the inaugural cohort that begins June 23rd. Applications for the scholarships are due on Monday, June 7th. Registration for the event ends June 9th (there are 14 spaces available still).

Here’s the help I’d love from you:

  • If you know of a nonprofit leader who might be a good fit for the program, please forward this link to them.
  • If you’re interested in sponsoring scholarships for nonprofit leaders, please check out this link, too. I’m committed to this work and am willing to fully fund them myself–and I’d also love the help of other committed leaders and organizations. And the more support we have, the more scholarships we can offer, the more good we can do!

You can learn more about the program here:

If you have questions, please get in touch:

Thanks so much for your support–of me, of our fellow classmates, and of those who want to do good in the world.

June Reunion Updates and Gouge

Posted: 6/1/2021

Happy June everyone! Hope everyone had a safe and memorable Memorial Day Weekend. I live close enough to hear the memorial gun salutes at Arlington, which was a wonderful reminder to pause and pay tribute to those who have gone before us. As of today, we’re in the June price zone for reunion registration, so if you have not made your plans yet to join us in September, now is the time to do so! The next incremental price increase occurs on 1 July. The tiered pricing is designed to incentivize early sign up. This allows us to put down deposits and lock in the best pricing, which is largely dependent on how many folks we can muster. There is an option during the registration process to break up the payment. Please reach out to Thomas Leahy directly if you are have a financial hardship ( and need assistance. This is a come one, come all event – and while the committee has done their best to keep costs low, the reality is things do not come cheap in Annapolis.


A few other reunion notes —

  • The online merchandise store will reopen on 13 June. Items ordered this summer will arrive prior to the reunion. Contact Tony Yanero with questions.
  • There are still rooms available in the hotel block. We will start dialing back the room numbers to remove risk of us having to cover unbooked room.
  • There will be some slight schedule tweaks coming out (networking event and Class Business meeting times/locations).

Hope to see you in September!


In the News: Kim Mitchell LOC Woman Veteran of the Week

Posted: 5/29/2021

What a fitting tribute for a week during which many of us have been simultaneously reminiscing and celebrating the 25th anniversary of our commissioning! On 23 May, Kim Mitchell was recognized by the Library of Congress (LOC) Center for Women Veterans as Woman Veteran of the Week. We are proud of you, Kim!


From the President: Class of 1996 25th Reunion Registration is LIVE!!!

Posted: 5/19/2021
Email sent via Classmail 5/18/21

Class of 96,

The 25th Reunion Committee is happy to announce that our registration portal is now open. A dedicated group of volunteers has put in countless hours to plan a fun series of events for Sept 10 – 12th. We hope that you join us for a memorable weekend.

Class of 96 Registration link:

We encourage you to sign up early so the funds collected can be used to put deposits down on vendors.

All information should be found on that website but please reach out to me or to the reunion committee with any specific questions.

Nagel Sullivan

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